Gunnar Krantz (born 1962) is a Swedish comics artist and professor in visual communication at Malmoe University. He started out in the late 70s Swedish fanzine scene. In the 80s he took part in the introduction of international contemporary comics for the Swedish market and also published his first (award winning) graphic novel, Alger (1986).
He has published 14 books and his work has been exhibited at art institutions, galleries and museums. Gunnar has been a key part in building an infrastructure around comics in Sweden and especially Malmoe – branded as “The City of Comics in Sweden”, by initiating networks and facilitating platforms for both production and education, such as The Comics Art School in Malmoe and courses on comics at the universities in both Gothenburg and Malmoe. In his recent work “Kooperatören” he investigates the Swedish co-operative movements use of advertisement in the early 30s.
Gunnars research focusses on the relation between comics and contemporary art, the emergence of the Swedish comics field and reflects upon comics pedagogy.
His recent works are published online under the hashtag #nwomc – new ways of making comics, where he consciously tries to work with new ways of creating visual narratives.